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Lion Kimono in Progress

Originally uploaded by craftytalk

I cut my new Echino fabric! Pictured is a future size 4T kimono. The tangerine linen is for the ties.

I am also making a size 4/5 dress and a scarf. I bought some copper (lightish brown) linen for the back of the scarf. I am not sure which colour to use for the dress neck and hem.

Three packages came today! Fabric store reviews to come for Pink Chalk and Hawthorne Threads.

Fabric Haul

Last night I used my yard of Sweet Savannah in Turquoise by Etsuko Furuya to make covers for two pillows. The fabric is a linen cotton blend and much nicer than I expected from looking at the pictures  online. My first time making pillows and I decided to use the most fancy and expensive fabric I own. Craftastic!

When measuring I discovered I could do both pillows only if I did simple non removable covers. I guess I could have used zippers but company is coming today and I didn’t have any! I did the larger square pillow first by sewing the front and back piece together. For the rectangle pillow, I used one continuous piece because I was conveniently left with the (mostly) correct size.  I finally learn how to close up by hand with a hidden stitch! Now I will be able to finish the bindings on my quilts without visible stitches.

Here they are:

Echino Pillows

Echino Pillows

In the future I would probably use fuller pillow forms and work on getting the corners nice and square. Or maybe not, if I am fast crafting.

Work through the pain.

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